Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Cute Brother

This is my cute brother Chad, he is playing baseball
in California at Cerro Coso Community College. 
They finally posted some pics and so I wanted to make
a shout out to him and let him know I think he's 
awesome and that I'm so proud of him!!! Love ya Chop

Monday, March 24, 2008

HaPpY EaStEr

Every year my Grandma Day has an Easter Egg hunt for the whole family at
some property in Bluffdale. All the kids find eggs with some candy in them
and my grandma hides money eggs for the Adults as well...its so much fun
to watch everyone run to find the money eggs...figures!!! The weather was
a little cold because of the wind but it didn't ruin the day...Rylee had a lot of
fun finding eggs and playing with all the other little cousins.

Rylee, my mom and Brett enjoying the picnic we had after the Easter Egg Hunt!!!
I never seem to catch Ry with a smile, it's either the top of her head or a scowl....

Grandma Liz & Grandpa Shane came over on Sunday and brought Rylee an
Easter Basket filled with fun goodies....Rylee loves to perform when they come
to visit.....

MaKiN RiCe CrIsPy TrEaTs

Rylee wanted to help make a yummy treat, so we
decided to make some Rice Crispy Treats...... it was
a hit, as you can tell from Rylee's reaction!!!

Rylee, my mom, and Bro Brett!!!! And of course the
finished product....Yummmy :)

Someone needs to tell this "little girl" that she's too young
to be giving out such big kisses....hahah

Shaner & His Lil Girl

Shane & Rylee hangin out on Shane's new motorcycle.....
those darn gas prices... :(

Shaner & Rylee stole the show...Rylee loves her
dad, everytime she hears the garage door open
she jumps up and runs to the door to give her dad
a big hug and

Friday, March 14, 2008

Funny Random Pics

Rylee with her "I want something" face

Me and Ry decided to sport the Double Chin motife

I Love Kisses from my little Girl.....

Ry has a fascination of playing with peoples
hair and well Grandpa decided it would be
ok for her to brush his hair....

And last but not least Ry decided it was time
to start...Sticking her tongue out at me..hahah