Wednesday, May 28, 2008


We went to the Zoo this past weekend and had a great time!! Ry loved all the animals and especially the train!!
Shane wanted to do something fun with Ry before he leaves in a couple weeks, since he'll miss her birthday :(

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We Missed Our Ry Bug

Alright so when we were gone on our trip we got reports that Rylee never whined, cried or acted out or anything, which I was super excited about...Thinking that maybe she wouldn't whine so much at me when we we got home... Well news flash!!! That isn't the case. She whines and cries about the most absurd things and its driving me bonkers. Maybe it's just what they do with their mom's because they know the can or else she is just paying me back for leaving her for 8 days... She was Happy with me in the pics above because we were getting ready to go outside and swing on the swings :)

Shaner and Rylee playing at Willow Park in the sprinklers. Ry loves the water and she had a ball running around in it with her dad!!

Alright so I felt way guilty for having to leave Rylee for 8 days. Since I'd never left her before not even for a night, I just felt bad....So I gave in and got her a new little ride!! As you can tell from her expression she thought it was pretty cool!!!

Me and Ry getting ready to go down the slide and Willow Park. If there is a slide and swings anywhere near by Rylee is in Heaven!!!

This is my beautiful Sister-in-Law JaCee, and her adorable little girl Bailey. Bailey turned 1 on saturday and we celebrated her birthday at the park with family and friends!! It was a fun night and Bay got a lot of fun and cute stuff!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Trip back to Washington DC

Shane had a Military History Seminar back in Washington DC with his ROTC group and I was able to go along. I have never been back there so it was fun to be able to see that part of the country. The war sights and memorials were the basis of the trip but we were able to spend time in Washington DC and do all the sightseeing there as well as visiting Gettysburg, Antietam, Petersburg and other sites. My favorite places were Arlington National Cemetary and Gettysburg. We were gone for 8 days and it was the first time I'd left Rylee...After the first day I was fine, she stayed with Liz for 4 days and with my mom for 4 days. She had a ball and probably didn't realize we were even gone!! Thanks Liz and Mom for taking such good care of her!! We had a lot of fun on our trip and we had a lot of fun people that we hung out with and did everything with.