Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We Missed Our Ry Bug

Alright so when we were gone on our trip we got reports that Rylee never whined, cried or acted out or anything, which I was super excited about...Thinking that maybe she wouldn't whine so much at me when we we got home... Well news flash!!! That isn't the case. She whines and cries about the most absurd things and its driving me bonkers. Maybe it's just what they do with their mom's because they know the can or else she is just paying me back for leaving her for 8 days... She was Happy with me in the pics above because we were getting ready to go outside and swing on the swings :)

Shaner and Rylee playing at Willow Park in the sprinklers. Ry loves the water and she had a ball running around in it with her dad!!

Alright so I felt way guilty for having to leave Rylee for 8 days. Since I'd never left her before not even for a night, I just felt bad....So I gave in and got her a new little ride!! As you can tell from her expression she thought it was pretty cool!!!

Me and Ry getting ready to go down the slide and Willow Park. If there is a slide and swings anywhere near by Rylee is in Heaven!!!

This is my beautiful Sister-in-Law JaCee, and her adorable little girl Bailey. Bailey turned 1 on saturday and we celebrated her birthday at the park with family and friends!! It was a fun night and Bay got a lot of fun and cute stuff!!!


Becky Johnson said...

I cant believe how big Rylee is getting! She is SO darling! You know she missed her mama while you were away! Hope you had fun on your trip!

The Belnaps said...

Cute Jamie, Rylee is so dang cute! She is all tan in that first picture! Your trip looked fun! Was it nice to leave Rylee or did you wish you had her? I cant believe how big she is, I think its time for another one:)

Shan @ Design Gal said...

Rylee is so pretty! Just like her mom!

Jill said...

She looks so happy! :) I love her hair. What a cutie! Looks like she's got a cute personality.

Rachel Seren said...

Whenever I leave I always bring back a "little" something too! :)

Kari Hasebi said...

How old is Rylee?? I can't believe you made it 8 days!!! I have not been away from Halee for longer than 3 hours! I am so ready to be done nursing!!!

Crystal said...

How cute. She is so dang cute. I think every mom needs that break for a minute. I cant wait until mine!!!

Jill said...

I just showed some girls at work how dang cute your little girl is!...for your information...they all agree! :)

Melissa said...

Oh you guys are so cute and Rylee is such a cutie- Your sister in law is still so cute like all of you guys. DC is great and we are so happy you guys were able to go. Love you and miss you tons- Today I was so Smith family sick it was crazy!!! Please tell everyone hello and hit some softballs for us!

Sister C said...

I just wanted to write and tell Tator that I miss her!!! Rylee's name is Tator because that's the only reason she started letting me hold her and hug her.....only after I gave her tator tots! Man- she is obsessed with those things!! But of course not hot ones or even lukewarm ones- she would blow on them even after they had been sitting out for like 15 minutes!!! HAHA!! She's my little Tator!!!