Monday, November 9, 2009

Sydnee is 7 Months

* This is little Muffin is growing up so fast here's some things she's up to:

* Loves to roll and roll
* Gets up on her knees and hands but cant figure out how to move them
* She eats pretty much anything, however gets mad when she cant have a taste of what me and Ry are eating
* Still will not sleep through the night, in fact she thinks its a good time to be awake actually
* When we talk to Shane on the computer at night, Sydnee literally wants to attack the computer
* She will clap for herself on occassion (not sure she knows whats she doing but its still cute)
* Is definitely her own little person who knows what she wants and cries til she gets it (Oh No)
* Loves to sit and play with Rylee
* She'd rather eat a book than look at it :)
* Her favorite toy lately is a toothbrush (good on the gums I guess)
* The bath tub is her utmost favorite place to be, she goes crazy anytime she sees the tub



Jessica said...

She is so cute! I can't believe I haven't seen her for 6 months. SAD DAY! Thanks for your texts. It means alot! You are a great friend!

Love Rown

Rachel Seren said...

She is so beautiful! I just lover her eyes!!

shane smith said...

I love watching Sydnee grow- she is an absolute doll. Liz

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Hey, we have a Muffin too! :) She's such a cutie!

Jessica said...

The boy with my sister is her boyfriend...I don't know how serious it is, but he is a nice kid. His name is Ryan.

Unknown said...

Yes, the doc gave her an antibiotic. At first hey had so much snot running down the back of their throat, then after they didn't get better and we took them back to the doctor, he said that it had turned into a sinus infection. (alyssa and hailey) If Sydnee has a really bad cough that is really congested I would take her in and tell them that the neighbor hood is full of sick kids with sinus infections and see what he says.

Holly said...

She is so cute and getting so big.