Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Little Chicas

9 months old Already....wow
*Loves to Smile at the Camera (obviously)
*Is Crawling and getting into just about everything
*Pulls herself up and will just stand without holding onto anything (early walker??, we'll see)
*Loves real food....Hates absolutely hates baby food (I don't blame her)
*Definitely a momma's girl
*Bobs up and down when music starts playing
*Loves Bath time, she will get on her stomach and just float
*Is getting better about sleeping at night, we still have the occassional crying session but she's figured out how to put herself back to sleep, well that is until 5:30 rolls around :(
*Likes to steal the toys that Rylee is playing with (well she attempts too anyway)
*Likes to look at books, especially when Rylee is trying to read her the story
*Definitely going to have to keep my eye on this one

3 1/2 with some definite Sass
*I just love this lil Girl
*She is getting so big, toooo fast
*Started school again today after the Holiday break and was so excited
*Loves school, she loves tumbling and she loves swimming
*She's never let water touch her face and now she will actually put her face in the water (its a miracle)
*Loves learning her letters (Especially the letter "R"...hmmm wonder why)
*Loves Disney Princesses and Horses
*Such a good helper, she loves to help cook and make things
*Still wont eat anything AT ALL (even the crackers aren't gaining interest)
*Was super excited to have her dad home for a couple of weeks
*Sleeps better in my bed than her own (a problem when Shane is home..haha we aren't little people)
*Has such a sweet little spirit (my brother got us a picture of Christ and Rylee asked if we could put it in her room.....)

I completely love and adore my little girls
Rylee and Sydnee I love you!!



Michele said...

Oh that last part made me tear up! What wonderful and beautiful little girls you have.

Kate said...

You SHOULD love those lil angels!! They are so adorable! Hope Shane comes home soon so he can enjoy them more too!

shane smith said...

Thank you for sharing precious thoughts and pictures. Melts my heart.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

They're so sweet!!!!!!!

Lacey Allen said...

Your girls are so dang cute!

Biggs Family said...

Jamee, your girls are so gorgeous! I wish we lived closer so our 3 1/2 year old girls could play together! so cute; Happy 2010 chica!

The Forrest Family said...

Jamie I don't have your number and you need to come see my new baby so come and bring your girls over any time. Your blog is so cute I love those pics at the top of the page. Keni