Tuesday, March 9, 2010

11 Months Old Already (long post)

Time comes and goes too fast these days, I can't believe that Sydnee is almost one "1"
*This little girl is quite the character, she definitely has a funny little personality :)
*Has been walking for almost a month a half now, Early Walker
*Loves her binky and doesn't like to go anywhere without it, she actually prefers to have two in her hand because then she will interchange them, because I guess to her they taste different :)
*Loves to talk to her dad on the cell phone, whenever my phone rings those big eyes light up and run right over to grab at the phone...and knows its usually her dad on the other end and she will just jabber away with him, its the greatest thing.
*She likes to look at books, well mostly likes to pull every single one off the shelf and then she will flip through them (JUST LIKE HER SISTER)
*She says "uh-oh" all the time, its become the most frequently said word in our house ;)
*Still doesn't like to sleep at night, its obnoxious

*Her favorite toy is a "Balloon" surprise surprise
*Is a definite snuggle bug and I LOVE IT
*She and Rylee have started to play together, there is an occasional fight now and then but let me say this, Sydnee isn't always on the losing side (watch out Ry)

*Loves her daddy, even though Shane has been gone for a while, Sydnee goes to him just fine (there's two people that Sydnee lets hold her... Me & Shane) and she will run back and forth between the two of us laughing and giggling
*Sydnee is a sweet little girl who is growing up too fast

Ry is getting anxious to go outside and play, I wish the weather would make up its mind and start being warm for more than one day :)
*She loves to play outside, ride her bike, find sticks and rocks and put them in their own spot in the garage :)
*She plays better with boys for the time being, at the park she grabs a stick and wants to sword fight with the boys or play pirates, while the girls are playing princesses (oh dear)
*Has quite the imagination

*Loves to play hide and seek, she's getting pretty good at it too, Shane came home last weekend for a couple days and he couldn't find her, it was hilarious :)
*Is doing great at school, she still loves to go and comes home with a smile on her face. She can write her name pretty good and she's always wanting me to write words so she can copy them down ;)

*I love this little girl, she'll be 4 this summer and I can't believe it
*She loves to go and stay at her Grandma's and Grandpa's, I'm glad we've been able to live close to both sides so she can have so much fun with them :)
*Loves Sydnee and is a protective big sister (that is when someone else isn't being nice to Sydnee)

*We are all just waiting to see what happens next in this Crazy Military Life :)


JaCee said...

That last pic is stunning of ry bug! Miss knowing I don't have the option of stopping at your house. Should've taken advantage more often....

Jaelyn Day said...

Look at your baby girls growing right up!! They are ADORABLE!!!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Your blog is always so fresh and fun! And I loooooooooove Ry's new haircut! SOOOOOOOO cute on her!

Michelle said...

I really can't believe how early Sydnee started walking! She must be wanting to keep up with Rylee. =)And it's great that she talks on the phone. Sophie just listens without making a sound.

shane smith said...

Thanks for sharing the cute pictures and thoughts ahout your family. We love you all!!!