Friday, October 26, 2007

A Day at the Park

Rylee and I went to a new park today and played around on the playground. She was fascinated by the tall slides and would run up the stairs as fast as she could over and over again. The tall twisty slide was a hit because she couldn't sit down fast enough to go down the right way so she just went down on her stomach. Caution "Child with no fear" Caution. There were twists and turns all around and she found the tunnel of turns and decided to spend most of her time in here seeing if she could beat me from one end to the other. All the other kids weren't allowed to go by when she was sitting in there because she wanted to play with them
instead of letting them pass. It was obviously a game to her :) I beat her to the end once and I was a greeted with a sticking out of the tongue, Thank you Rylee.
The funniest moment of the day however came when
another little boy was climbing up the slide next to Rylee and touched her hand and well as you can see from the picture you can guess her reaction. She definitely has become the queen of the playground because she tries to do everything the older kids do like go down the slides head first.............. It was an eventful "Day at the Park"


Melissa said...

She is soo cute! I love looking at your blog! How are you guys doing? How is your family? You guys look so happy!

JaCee said...

I feel like I was there with you, I can see her doing it all! I've tagged you, please don't hate me :). Go to our blog for the rules!

Kera said...

Oh my goodness she is CUTE.