Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today was a fantabulous day!!! It started with Rylee waking up at well 4:00 am and not wanting to go back to sleep. So we played for a couple of hours and then we searched on the computer for a picture of a dog......ya Rylee loves dogs but every picture of a dog or any dog for that matter is called "Ginger" its not "dog" or "doggy" its "Ginger" so we'll have to work on that one. (Shane's parents have a dog named Ginger and she is Rylee's favorite.) After finding Ginger it was time to brush the teeth..............

We woke dad up later on with our usual 530 wake up call :) sorry!!! Dad got ready and went to school, while me and Rylee got ready to go to lunch with Aunt JaCee, Bailey and Grandma Liz.

We were ready to walk out the door when Ry started rubbing her eyes and yawning and before I even got her buckled in she fell asleep. So Ry missed out on lunch, which was very yummy by the way, but with no dismay woke up in time to have the last bites of cheesecake, good timing Ry :)
Later on that evening Shaner and I went and saw a great movie, the kicker was however was that it was a 5:00 show on a Thursday so we had the theater all to ourselves. Now how lucky is that ;) After the movie we went to Olive Garden and had fantabulous food....mmmm The highlight of my night was when we went to pick up Rylee, we walked in the door at grandma and grandpas and she was playing on the floor (all right making a mess) and looked up and saw us and ran to me with her arms wide open, it was the best birthday present, to see her little face so excited to see us!! It was a great way to end a fantabulous day!!


Katy said...

I'm glad you had a good birthday! Rylee is a doll.

Melissa said...

Happy late birthday! I'm glad that you were able to go to the best restaurant ever! Brian doesn't like Olive Garden very much, so we only go there for my birthday. :) Rylee is GORGEOUS! She is such a little cutie! And she even got your curls... Lucky Duck! I'll e-mail you with our blog site. love ya MElissa

Kelli and Dan said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Rylee is beautiful! I don't know if I have ever seen a picture of her. It sounds like the Smith family is doing well, it was so good to see your name in my inbox.Dan and I are back up in Boise loving being Mom and Dad. Check out our blog I'm so excited you have a blog, its kind of a fun way to keep in touch, especially since I suck so bad at it. Tell Shane hi for me! Love, Kel

Amy said...

Oh great, now Amy wants one... yes a website and a baby!

Molly Bea said...

Jamie, she is absolutely GORGEOUS! I haven't seen pictures of her since she was just tiny! Wow, she is seriously a doll, and I'm in love with her curls!!! So jealous...our kids are destined to have the strightest hair in the universe! She looks like she has personality too! Oh so cute!