Monday, March 24, 2008

MaKiN RiCe CrIsPy TrEaTs

Rylee wanted to help make a yummy treat, so we
decided to make some Rice Crispy Treats...... it was
a hit, as you can tell from Rylee's reaction!!!

Rylee, my mom, and Bro Brett!!!! And of course the
finished product....Yummmy :)

Someone needs to tell this "little girl" that she's too young
to be giving out such big kisses....hahah


Becky Johnson said...

She is SO darling!! How is Brett doing?

Rachel Seren said...

I know I have said it before but she is so cute! question, is her hair naturally curly or do you do something to it? If I ever have a girl I want her to have curly hair. Let me know!