Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sydnee is One Week Old and Rylee Bug is Busy Posing!!

Sydnee is one week old today!!! She is doing great, we are going to have to work on her sleep schedule though, since she thinks the middle of the night is a good time to be wide awake :)

My sweet Rylee, who I love so much is being a great big Sister, she is trying hard to help and adjust to the new changes going on around here!!!

This is where Sydnee had to stay for the first 4 days of her life, ugghh, she hated this bed but you do what you have to do to get them better!! We still have to watch her Billi count but thank goodness the doc gave us the okay to get rid of this bed.....

For some reason this girl has got the head tilt down... there isnt a picture I dont take where she doesnt tilt her head.... She is almost 3 and just growing up so fast its crazy how fast time has flown by!!! Grandpa Shane just came and picked her up and took her to Dayton so she could have a sleep over with Grandma and Grandpa, I miss her already!!! Its just me and Sydnee for the night, Shaner is gone til Sunday for Army training.. :(

We definitely have a fish in the family, she loves the water but doesnt like it touching her face (go figure)... Whenever we go to my mom's house she asks if we can go swimming, its great now that she doesnt have to wear those annoying swim pants, they always would leave a big rash on her... Hopefully we will be spending a lot of time at pools this summer, well atleast Rylee will be in the water, me however would probably being doing everyone a favor if I just stayed on the side...hahaha


The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet!!! Love the radioactive baby shot, poor thing! :) Your girls are gorgeous! Send me your bow list soon so I can decorate them!!!

MyR said...

So cute!!! Sometimes you can't help the head tilt...I try so hard and STILL seem to do it in pictures. :D

JaCee said...

so true - she is a posing queen! :) i love your girls - can ry come play sometime? I'll be gone tues to see my friend lindsey's twins...but other than that?...

Anonymous said...

She is so sweet you guys! Congratulations!