Friday, January 18, 2008

Rylee Adventures

Well the beginning of the new year has been an eventful one so far....Rylee is getting into everything including falling into window ledges and splitting her forehead open! The doc said she could use some stitches but we couldn't get her to hold still long enough so they resulted to just gluing it back together. Random.

She also decided to try and straighten her hair with my hair straightener but that resulted in a pretty good burned hand. The blisters came within minutes along with screams for a long couple of hours. I hate being helpless when something like this happens because there isn't a whole lot you can do other than try and comfort them. Shane put some burn cream on her hand and we tried to wrap it but that didn't last :( We called the doc just to make sure there wasn't something else we should do and they just said to do
what we had already done. Ry fell asleep finally for
about three hours and when she woke up it
was like she forgot that it happened, thank goodness.

We had one final doctor visit for the month and hopefully its the last one. It was Ry's 18 month check up! She rang in at a skinny minny 23lbs but flew off the charts with a height of 34 1/2 inches!! I can't get her to eat anything but I guess the tall gene thing is working. Random.


Knight Family said...

Hi old friend. Wow it's been forever. I can't believe you're a mommy. She is so beautiful. She looks so fun and a handful at the same time!! I miss you and hope that all is going well for you and Shane and Rylee- cute name. I'm just being a high school teacher in St. George and trying not to go crazy. We need to get together one of these days and catch up on all the fun!! Take care,
Kristy Miller

The Belnaps said...

Hey Jamie! Your blog is too cute! I cant wait till my little girl starts getting into everything in the house, and starts getting hurt! Hope everything is going well.. Do you ever talk to shyanne?

Molly Bea said...

What an adventure...there must be something similar in that Carter gene both she and Jayden have...into EVERYTHING and tall and skinny! Sounds familiar! Isn't being a mom so entertaining?

Katy said...

Poor Rylee. It sounds like she has had an eventful year so far. It's hard when your baby is curious about everything!

Becky Johnson said...

Looks like she sure keeps you busy! haha. She is SUPER cute, though. She must have got her height from her mommy. : )

tiny said...

Things like this are bound to happen when you explore the world. As for the height gene, what can you say, it is in her blood!

Crystal said...

Hey I think that we should plan a get together. maybe if you got pregnant we could get together for a shower for you HEHE! Jk WEll lets talk about and see if others would want to meet sometime or something. By the way the second kid is hard at first but then they play together and i get more free time. what ever happened with your dad. do you still talk to him? Anyways i love communicating with everyone and i hope to hear from you soon. take care

Angie said...

Jamie! I am so glad that you posted on our blog. I really can't believe that it has been that long. Time flies. Anyway, it's fun to see you and your family and what you've been up to. Rylee is a cutie - what a smile! Hope to talk to you soon!