Sunday, February 10, 2008

TAG.....I'M IT!

I've been tagged by Haley

What was I doing ten years ago?
>Let’s see I was 16, a sophomore, and in the middle of basketball season, we actually won games that year!!! hahah

5 places I have lived?
>Sandy, Ut
>Draper, Ut
>Orem, Ut
>Logan, Ut

5 things on my to do list for today....
>Rylee, Rylee, Rylee
>go to the store
>pay some bills
>make a yummy valentines dinner for Shane(which I have no idea what)
>clean my house

I enjoy....
>spending time with Shaner, which is rare these days since he’s gone from 530 in the morning til 830 at night. We love going to movies or just simply watching a good one at home. I love learning from Rylee, she teaches me so much every day and I couldn’t imagine our life with out her. I love going on walks, especially down the river walk. I enjoy mowing the lawn and shoveling the drive way, its good exercise and believe me this winter I have had my fair share of shoveling. I just love to be outside in general.

3 bad habits...
>I agree with Haley and Crystal, I tend to look at things from the negative side right away because I want to be prepared for the worst that can happen, it drives Shane Crazy.
>Not much of a risk taker, don’t really like change that much
>Get overly annoyed when people ask me when I’m going to have another baby, for the millionth time. Once or twice is okay but after the millionth time it gets old.

5 things you might not know about me....
>I’m a romantic at heart J
>I met Shane in anatomy class, hahah
>I graduated from USU with a Bachelors in Health and Exercise Science
>Had eye surgery when I was little to remove a huge syst
>Miss playing softball

5 jobs that I have had....
>Hot Dog on a Stick (funnest job ever)
>Scrap in a Snap(scrapbook warehouse)
>Equestrian park worker(way fun, good times with Kenzior)
>Creative Communications (Publishing Company)
>And of course the best job Playing softball for 18 years


Becky Johnson said...

SO, when are you going to have another baby? hehe. Just teasing. Don't answer that question, just giving you shit. : )

Kari Hasebi said...

You have been tagged again. See my blog. Tell Becky she needs to give me the address to her blog. Thanks.

Becky Johnson said...

Kari, i need your email address so I can invite you....sorry its private. Kind of a pain.

Unknown said...

hey, you don't know me but you are a friend of a friend of mine's sister (kate walker), so i found your blog through her.

i am trying to make my blog more creative and i love your template you created. how did you do it? can you email me directions so that i can do something similar? thanks for your help. i'm trying to get inspired by other people's blogs...

you can email me at

Crystal said...

so maybe the whole negative thing is a softball thing. I think that we all discovered it when we got married and drove our husbands crazy with it. Well cali is fun but i have to admit i miss fam and friends. I dont think i would trade this weather for there though.I hope you are doing good and i would love to know the secret to the cute blog. And if you would, would you ask Kari if i can be invited to her blog.

Kate said...

I have no idea who Shelley is!! Sorry! But, I was wondering the same thing --- where do you get your cute template/background stuff for your adorable blog???

Shan @ Design Gal said...

I would love if you checked out my blog often! Thanks for your comment!