Wednesday, May 28, 2008


We went to the Zoo this past weekend and had a great time!! Ry loved all the animals and especially the train!!
Shane wanted to do something fun with Ry before he leaves in a couple weeks, since he'll miss her birthday :(


Miss Deja said...

How fuN! Where is shane going? I'm worried! :( Rylee is one of the cutest things I have ever seen...seriously. You guys do good work! :)

Melissa said...

Rylee is so cute! I bet she has the sweetest personality too huh! :) Where is Shane going? How long will he be gone for?

Molly Bea said...

Sounds like you guys had a great vaca...I know it's hard to leave your little one, but you are so lucky to have great family around to allow you to!

JaCee said...

i didn't know you went to zoo, fun! you got some amazing pictures back east jame. sometime when you get a minute will you email me the ones cole happened to be in? thanks for the cute post about bay's bday :)

Rachel Seren said...

Fun, I love trips to the zoo. We went a month ago. my favorite was an okapi it's a cross between a zebra, horse and a giraffe.

Crystal said...

Wow you got some great pictures of the animals.Looks lie you had a great time. I am so sad and dont know how you do it with out he leaving for the army? If you come to town we should meetup and go to lunch. I would love to get together.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Aww, too fun!!! I'm TOTALLY excited to go this summer! Your pictures made me even more excited!

Shan @ Design Gal said...

So cute! I love the zoo! Ya'll should have called us! Email me your phone #!

Dean Family said...

So cute- Your family is so adorable- I miss you guys like crazy!!! Thanks so much to Shane for serving our country!!!