Friday, January 9, 2009

MoMeNtS LiKe ThIs.....

Ry loves her dad as you can tell, whenever he gets home at
night from work she runs to him and she doesn't leave his side
the rest of the night!!! I walked in and this is what I found, they were
snuggled up watching a movie together!!! Somebody is sure gonna miss
their daddy when he is gone this summer.....

Rylee is 2 1/2 now but she thinks she is 2 going on 5....
Whenever someone asks herhow old she is she says 5....
I don't know where that comes from cuz whenever I ask her she says 2.....
So I wonder what she will say when she really is 5.....


The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

That's so cute, she looks exactly like Shane!!

The Gag-nears said...

She really is the cutest little girl ever - wish we lived closer so our 2 year olds could play. They would have fun.

shane smith said...

I love looking at your sight. Shane and Rylee are so adorable. Liz

Crystal said...

she is dang cute. How is the pregnancy going. Looks like you had a great christmas and I am so glad you did.

Ashley said...

She is such a doll! How are you feeling? You are looking good in your pictures. Miss you guys!

Cookie, Jason, Olivia, and Mya said...

That is so cute. Olivia loves her daddy too. Must be a girl thing.