Friday, February 13, 2009

HaPpY VaLeNtInE's DaY !!!!

Wishing you all a very "Happy Valentine's Day!!!


HaleyandGabe said...

hope you had a good V-Day! hope you are feeling well.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

She is TOOOOO cute! I love her sparkly little eyes!

Becky Johnson said...

I dont know how you make those cute little graphics on your computer (your valentines card) but they are SO cute!!! I want to learn how. Do you have to have some special software?

JaCee said...

THANKS FOR THE TREAT!!! I'm so grateful for all the support you've given me lately with pratt and all. You are seriously the sweetest in law I could ask for. THanks Jame!

Jessica said...

Thanks for the Valentine...I felt very loved! You are too cute! This summer when we get together you will have to show me how to do things like that....:D
I am finally starting to feel better, although sometimes I'm still exhausted!

P.S. I saw your comment on Lacy's post about her hair. You remember Tina Fraidenburg don't you? She used to live up in Aggie Village above Steve and Tracy Cook. Anyway she works at The Hair Company next to the Logan/Jiffy Lube across the street kinda from Smith's Marketplace. She does an awesome job. (its only $12 dollars for a wash and cut) She has a blog too, if you want to check her out.

Hope to talk to you soon Shaniquah! I miss you!

L8rz Rown

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. And I totally understand about kids not eating. Maybe try putting an instant breakfast in her milk. I have done that when my kids wouldn't eat and it made me feel a little better. I know they say they'll eat when they're hungry but it just goes against everything in you to let them not eat. It is SO frustrating!

Tuckers said...


I'm excited for you guys! Number two is on the way huh? I guess it could be here by now. I just noticed that you were pregnant. I hope all is going well. We look forward to seeing you and your family all soon. Hope Shaner's doing well.