Friday, July 4, 2008

Busy Week...Happy 2nd Birthday Rylee...Happy 4th of July...

Rylee got a fun bat at tee from Aunt JaCee & Bailey... She picked up the bat and started swinging away.... it was great!!! Ry and her cute cousin Bailey were posin' for the camera....

Shane & Liz came over for dinner on Thursday with JaCee & Bailey and we had a little party for Ry it was a lot of fun!!! Thanks so much for the fun Simba pillow, PJs, and the bat and Tee!!!

Earlier in the week, I was at my mom's and we had a lil party with my mom's side of the family and it was a lot of fun..... Thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts, Rylee got spoiled.... She cant put them down for one minute and she loved all the cute dresses!!!

Rylee loves the water as if you couldn't tell and this is her and my cousin Cole playing in the pool....
Fun pic eating cake and hanging out on the deck at my mom's.....We had a lot of fun this week, thanks so much to our family and friends who helped make it so fun for Rylee!!!


Melissa said...

Jamie, you seriously have the CUTEST little girl ever! I love her big smile! It just lights up her face... what a cutie! I'm glad you had a nice holiday! love ya!

Dean Family said...

So cute- Happy Birthday Rylee. It was so great to see Brother and Sister Smith on your blog- Please tell them hello and give them a big hug for us. We have always wanted to be like them when we grow up!! Miss you Jamie TONS!

The Josh's said...

Hey Jamie, I guess we have the "Military Wife" thing in common. Isn't it just wonderful??
I was telling my husband who you were. You should first know first that he is best friends with Zane, so that was my first thought about 6th grade. But I am sure you blocked that out of you memory!! LOL.
Good to see you are your cute daughter.

Sarah Oman said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun!

Kari Hasebi said...

We are going to try and get together on the 9th. I hope you can make it. I would love to meet Rylee!!

Sister C said...

I just posted a picture of Ryan on my blog- your cousin that I have a newfound love for (he's sitting under a tree when we went fishing!) I'm kinda running out of generations from your family to marry but Ryan seems like a great fit!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crystal said...

Jamie looks like fun and the chair rileys in if its yours we have a matching chair wow. Cool. Looks like you are staying busy while shane is gone.

Kari Hasebi said...

Hey Jamie, we are meeting at 3:30 at Fiddlers Elbow in Sugarhouse on Wednesday the 9th. Kelly said that she doesn't think kids are allowed so I am getting a babysitter. I hope you can make it.

Anonymous said...

She has the best face ever for pictures. She looks like you could sit and watch her for hours and never be bored. I know her daddy is missing her, but I saw the countdown is to 38 days its getting closer. =)Thanks for your nice comments always. They are making me really miss you. We love your family too and sencirely would love to get together.

Jessica said...

Hey I figured out who took your pix....she does really good work! Anyway randomly there is this picture of a little family the mom, the dad, and a little toddler boy. The girl looks really familiar (like we took a class together and studied together) there any way for you to find out who it is for me to see if I'm right? I know its all the confidentiality, but maybe we could skirt around it eh?

How are you doing?

Jess :D

The Belnaps said...

Oh, I love the tee and ball set. That is so cute. She looks so happy in those pictures, its so cute. Im so sad I didnt get to see you at the wedding... My dad was hurrying us out of there to go to dinner. I think we need to get some girls and go to lunch or something sometime:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rylee. I can't believe you're so big!