Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Draper Temple

My mom lives in Draper and there is temple being built up on South Mountain and its almost done!! We decided to drive up and take a look and it has the most beautiful view of the Salt Lake Valley!! My Grandma lives right across the street and she's so lucky to have something so beautiful right out her door!!

And of course Ry thinks she's old enough to drive...oh boy!!!

Rylee sticking her head out of her LIMO....hehehe

Alright my mom was helping her a little bit, but she thought it was pretty fun
to stick her head out of the top of the car!!!


Melissa said...

You amaze me! I don't know how you do it with Shane gone. I didn't realize that he was gone for so long!!! Wow... like I said you AMAZE me! Your pictures are adorable. do you know when the temple will be complete? I love the limo pics. :) Hey, and also I found this cool website that you can get free digital scrapbook packs (downloads)it's called Shabby Princess, I think you can make blog backgrounds using it too. maybe someday I'll actually try that. :) have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Those were really cute pictures, she is so cute!! I am glad you are getting out of here and visiting people while you are alone. We saw that temple too it amazes me that they can still find the perfect spot every time even in developed places. It is beautiful.

The Belnaps said...

I love the new blog look! I have to tell you that I was surprised at how fun lagoon was! We went with a friend that has a 2 year old and she absolutely loves it! They have a kid part where they can go on little rides and I think Rylee would LOVE it! Brooklynn is a little young still but she loves being in the stroller so she was good all day long! I would recommend going though! Its worth watching all the weirdos walk by ya anyways!! haha j/k. I think she would love it though. And... I make some of her bows ya, mostly the flower ones and the headband part but im not too good at making the actual bows!! Its fun though. Are you going to Kristy's reception? I hope so, that would be so fun to see you!! Talk to you soon

Lisa K said...

Did you know my inlaws and your Grandma are in the same ward? My mother-in-law always talks about how much she loves your Grandma. Small world, huh?

Crystal said...

I didnt know they were building a new temple.. I guess i been gone for awhile. I am so glad you have a great mom to help you with rylee while shane is gone. How is it going. YOur a Tough girl!

Dean Family said...

So beautiful just like you and your mom!!!

HaleyandGabe said...

aren't grandmas the BEST!!!!!!

Jessica said...


HAHAH I love the pix. Dang it Rylee looks so freakin' big! That's so sad, she's getting all grown up! :D

Call me sometime...I have a story to tell you about the frustrating name game.

Rown :D

Jessica said...

I figured I would comment you back on this the bag is a scrapbooking bag came from Target and it was like $20 I think. I thought it was super cute too. They had a smaller one too I think.

Jess :D

The Merrill Family said...

You can really see Rylee's personality in these pictures! She looks like such a fun little kid. I hope you are doing well. I was just looking at Steph Tueller's website and saw your pictures. They are awesome. She took Grace's 6 month pictures for us and she is an amazing photographer. On her blog, Grace is the First picture on her banner at the top. She sure has changed.

Anyway, hope all is well.