Sunday, June 29, 2008

All I Can Say Is.....TIM MCGRAW

On Friday night I went to the Tim McGraw concert and it was the "funnest" thing I have done in a long time!!! He is such and an awesome entertainer and I suppose it helped that I love his music and am somewhat of a country music fan anyways!!!
There is just something about a guy with the right tight fitting pants, a black cowboy hat, and an amazing voice...mmmmm!!!!

We had a lot of fun, we got there about 7 or so and didn't get home until about 1 am, who knew I could stay up past 11 o' clock, ahahah..... There were two groups that opened up for him, "Half Way to Hazard" and "Jason Aldean." Jason Aldean was really good, the first group I couldn't really understand what they were singing!!!

Tim McGraw, Usana Amphitheatre, West Valley, Utah!!!!

This is who went: My Brother Brett & his friend Brianne, my brother Chad and his friend Amanda, Me & my Mom!!!


Jenny said...

I am SO jealous! You look great! ;)

Jessica said...

Hey where was Rylee? Tell her I said happy birthday! It sounds like you had fun. I would have loved to go! He is a good guy all around!

Jess :D

Michele said...

I'm totally jealous. I was listening to the announcements on the radio about the concert and wanted to go. How fun! You got some great pics too. BTW, stop changing your blog, it's so stinkin' cute, you're putting the rest of us to shame! Just kidding, I love to look at your blog, don't stop changing it.

Unknown said...

I so wanted to go! I have been a few times to see him and LOVED it. USANA is the best place for concerts, IMO :)

Anonymous said...

Oh sweeeet! I love his music and he puts on a dang good show. I have been to only a couple concerts and I went to him and dixie chics way back in the day and it was amazing. I am super glad everytime you post something fun you are doing.

Melissa said...

How Fun!!!! I love Tim... tell your mom I said hello! You both look gorgeous as always!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

That looks like so much fun, I'm glad you got to go!

Rachel Seren said...

Way fun! I am totally jealous!

Tuckers said...

Jamie, you guys look great!!! Looks like you had a lot of fun. Say hi to Brett, Chad, and your mom for me :-)


tiny said...

Looks like loads of fun! I am jealous!

Kari Hasebi said...

Hey Jamie, I talked with Kelly and we were wondering if we could meet somewhere in the middle (Brigham City) and do dinner sometime???

Kari Hasebi said...

We will have to meet up when Katie gets into town. I will let Katie, Ali, and Kelly plan it. I am leaving on the 18th for the rest of the month so hopefully we can get together before then!

Kate said...

Mmmmm! Mmmmm! That is exactly how I feel about Tim McGraw too! That is all I need to say!

Shan @ Design Gal said...

LUCKY GAL! What a fun concert! Did you know Breanne's family is in my families home ward? She's a cute girl!

Oh, and I love your blogs new layout!