Wednesday, June 18, 2008

There's No Place Like The Sunsets in Cache Valley

We were driving home one night and just happened to catch all three stages of this beautiful sunset!! I thought it was gorgeous!! God truly has amazing creations!!


Cookie, Jason, Olivia, and Mya said...

We miss logan!! Its so beautiful. Let us know next time you're in Draper, We're just above Alpine in Cedar Hills.

Anonymous said...

Our families are so similar it is funny. We seriously LOVE the sunsets. We go outside and look anytime it is a pink sky. We always take pictures and sometimes we get on top of the housing buildings to watch them. SHHHHH I downloaded pictures this morning to post of a sunset ha ha.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

I'm going to miss Cache Valley so much. I love it. I hate that we have to move soon. I would live here forever! What gorgeous pictures!

Crystal said...

Wow I love sunsets

Dean Family said...

So great- I am so Logan home sick it is crazy. Let me know if you ever want to come out here for a visit. We would love to have you and take you to NY or DC or Niagra Falls, wherever you want to go! Miss you and love you tons!